

Cool K-cups

I've been enjoying my new Keurig single serve coffee system. I like having a fresh cup of coffee practically on demand and I really like being able to switch between a variety of coffee blends without having to make a whole pot of each.

I discovered that this convenience comes at a price (think 50 cents per cup) so I went in search of K-cup savings strategies. I found three main ways to cut the cost of using the Keurig:

#1 - Join one of the coffee clubs and have your K-cups shipped to you.
#2 - Try My-Kaps and turn your used K-cups into reuseable K-cups by filling them with your own favorite coffee.
#3 - Use the refillable coffee filter basket

For great savings links and hot sales info (updated every 30 minutes) check out K-cups Savings.


CoffeePHD said...

Great article. Here's a lot of coupons for K-Cups. Check this website They have a lof of coupons for k-Cups.

Cool Collector said...

Thanks much. I'll check it out and may include the link on my Squidoo Lens